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Designed To Help You Transform Your Fitness Book Into


  • More Stability

  • Less Stress

  • Greater Impact

When You Get Started TODAY You Will Get EVERYTHING You Need To Transform Your Book Into A Recurring Revenue Stream - With LIVE Coaching & Accountability - FOR FREE!

It's Just As Easy To Make A Recurring Sale As It Is To


Major companies like Adobe, Microsoft and Apple have made a conscious shift away from selling one-time products and instead, they now sell monthly memberships or subscriptions. Other companies like Amazon, Netflix and Google do it too.

Why did they all make the move to subscriptions?

Because they realized it’s just as easy to make a recurring sale as it was to sell something one-time.

Instead of customers buying one time, the same customer will happily spend money every single month as long as they continue to get value.

And in the long haul, it’s a more profitable, reliable and stable business model.

Every year, there are businesses that you and I interact with every day that are transitioning to a recurring model.

Take a minute and just think about the recurring subscriptions that you have right now in your life.

  • Tools you use in your business…

  • Memberships you belong to…

  • Services that instead of paying for one-time, you now pay for on a monthly basis...

Subscriptions and memberships are the new way of doing business and it’s now big business.

That’s Great For Big Companies But


If you’re already an author and established expert in your field…

Adding a membership option to your book just makes sense.

It gives you the ability to share your wisdom with your readers in a more in-depth way.

Plus, you won’t have the up-and-down income that comes with relying on royalties, speaking gigs or landing clients.

And here’s the best part…

Most people buying your book are not doing so just because they want a good book to read.

They are buying it to learn about the topic inside.

So, if someone orders a book on weight loss for beginners, they most likely have an interest in losing weight, right?


If someone orders a book on how to unlock weight loss secrets for busy moms and dads, they’re likely busy parents trying to balance fitness with their hectic family life.

So, when they order your book, they're raising their hand and saying, "This topic is important to me."

And that makes anyone who orders your book, a much more qualified prospect for your services.

This Opens A HUGE Opportunity For Authors To Provide The Two Key Elements That Readers Crave But Have Been Missing In Traditional Book Sales Until Now:

  • Proximity to the author

  • Access to a like-minded community

Imagine when buying a book in Barnes & Noble, they asked you at the register if you’d also like a quick conversation with the author to clarify anything in the book you might have questions about…

You’d jump at the chance, right?

How about if they also gave you the opportunity to discuss the book with other readers in real-time as you read?

Sharing key takeaways and ideas.

Adding a reader membership to your book allows you to do just that.

Okay, But What Should My Membership Offer Be And


Online reader memberships are actually much easier to create than courses.

In fact, the biggest mistake most people make when creating memberships is adding too much stuff.

Stuff that you’d typically find inside an online course.

The problem is that your members come in and immediately get overwhelmed and they leave.

But reader memberships are different.

You don’t need a long, planned-out curriculum to get started.

The secret to a successful reader membership is only to only give your readers access to certain things consistently every month.

So how do you structure it?

  • Every single month you create ONE masterclass where you’re teaching or sharing a single topic or concept. Not one a day or three a week, literally just ONE per month. It could be delivered as a 30 min video, a PDF report, a newsletter or a simple Zoom call.

  • The next week you do a backstage pass. This is where you share a bit about what you are actually doing yourself in relation to your topic/concept. People are instinctively curious and typically damn right nosey, so this type of content is perceived as hugely valuable.

  • In week three, you do a member makeover. This is where you take a member of your community or previous/current client and help them make what they are doing better. This could be a hot-seat, a Q&A call or a recorded consultation that the member agrees to be shared with the rest of the group.

  • Then in week four, you take a nap. Your members probably missed at least one of the elements from the previous three weeks, so give them a chance to catch up while you put your feet up.

That's It!


Courses are great and there’s a place for them, but from a recurring revenue perspective, it’s much easier to build a reader membership and have sustainable income from the off than it is to build out an entire course.

Because your members essentially become your content and you create everything around them.

That enables you to very quickly start to cover your monthly expenses. Whether that’s your business expenses for things like software, taxes, or payroll.

Or whether that’s personal expenses, like having your reader membership cover your car payment, or your mortgage payment or your entire monthly expenditure.

I’m sure if a stranger in the street said to you that from today they’ll start covering your mortgage payments each month you’d be more than relieved, right?

How much pressure would that take off your shoulders?

How many opportunities would that open up?

To do things you always wanted to do.

To try new things you always wanted to try.

This is the opportunity that’s waiting for you right now with a reader membership.

And if you’re unsure how to find new readers and turn them into members…

The Fitness Publishing framework allows you to automate the entire process.

From Book Sale To Happy Member


  • Step 1: Run simple social media posts and ads to your book sales page (either paid or free). Your ideal readers will identify themselves by requesting a copy of your book.

  • Step 2: Provide helpful upgrades to your readers for a small additional fee during the checkout process. This will allow you to liquidate your investment for any advertising costs.

  • Step 3: Offer a FREE trial of your reader membership to your readers after their order is successful. This will increase the percentage of readers who sign up and allow them to try before they fully commit.

Because You Sell Your Book Independently Of Amazon, Or Bookstores, You Get Direct Access To The Database Of Buyers So You Can Follow Up With Your Readers Directly

Plus, offer your help with implementing what you talk about in the book.

Rinse and repeat.

Remember, the secret to making more income from your book might not just be to sell more copies.

If you want to make 6 figures in revenue from a $10 book, you’d need to sell 10,000 copies.

That’s a lot of work.

But you can smash that revenue goal with just 200 readers and a $47/month membership.

YouTubers are doing it with Patreon.

Adult stars are doing it with OnlyFans.

Now it’s your turn.


You Get Everything You Need To


When You Say "Maybe" Today, You Can Have ALL Of This...

I've Built It All For You... So You Don't Have To.

All You Have To Do Is Implement... And Reap The Rewards.


Your Own Pre-Built (Proven-To-Convert) Book Sales Funnels

(WORTH $7,475)

No more starting from scratch! We’ll preload your Fitness Publishing account with not one or two, but 5 pre-built, proven-to-convert book funnels. You get all the sales pages, order forms and upsells ready to go! Just connect your payment processor and start making sales.

We've also included your own pre-built and fully functional Author website designed to drive prospects and buyers to not only your book, but your other offerings ( lead magnets, training programs, supplements, etc.). This is as complete a marketing machine as you will find anywhere!


Pre-Built Automations + Email Templates

(WORTH $1,995)

Knowing where each email goes in the process and how it gets triggered can quickly become a tech nightmare. That's why we've pre-built all the automations you need and you'll never need to touch a thing. You just edit your pre-built email templates and your book funnel will know exactly what emails to send to the right person at the right time, as if by magic.


Book Marketing Resource Library

(WORTH $995)

Unlock the full potential of your book with our ever-expanding resource library, designed to catapult your book publishing and marketing success! Dive into an extensive collection of tools including video scripts, email templates, and our exclusive Conversion Calculator that predicts the success of your marketing strategies. Elevate your marketing game with over 47 Proven FREE Book Marketing Strategies, stay on track with our Target Conversion Rates Chart, and ensure a seamless launch with our comprehensive Book Launch Checklist.

This treasure trove of resources is meticulously crafted to support authors at every stage of their journey, from conception to bestseller. Whether you're a seasoned author or just starting out, our library is your gateway to achieving unparalleled success in the book marketing world.


Fitness Ghostwriter - Your Ultimate Writing Assistant & Fitness Content Generator

(WORTH $2,995)

Introducing Fitness Ghostwriter, the ultimate content creation tool for fitness entrepreneurs. Designed to help you effortlessly craft well-organized fitness books, compelling lead magnets, engaging emails, and comprehensive courses, Fitness Ghostwriter asks the right structured questions to unlock your expertise and creativity. Then it turns your answers into the perfect marketing tools for business growth.

Fitness Ghostwriter is capable of writing an entire 35,000-word book, from start to finish, in as little as 30 minutes!

  • Want to create a client-attracting book or lead magnet? Done!

  • Need an engaging email campaign to promote a new product, increase course sign-ups, drive engagement, or communicate updates? Done!

  • The perfect video script for an upcoming promotion? Again, done!

  • Want to create a comprehensive fitness course to engage and educate your audience? Done!

Whether you're looking to attract new clients, boost your income, or position yourself as the go-to authority in your market, Fitness Ghostwriter is your perfect partner. Fitness Ghostwriter walks you step-by-step, asking the perfect questions, to create persuasive content that attracts, and resonates with, your ideal clients.

Elevate your fitness business with customized content that resonates and converts—let Fitness Ghostwriter turn your knowledge into powerful, client-winning assets.


Client Call Scheduler

(WORTH $239)

Turn your readers into clients by offering a free strategy session right from within the app. Identify highly engaged ‘hot prospects’ on your reader database and offer them a free call to discuss how you can help them achieve their goals. No need to link out to an external scheduling service, send them an invitation from right within the platform for a seamless transition from reader to client.


Your Own Pre-Built Reader Portal + Downloadable App

(WORTH $1,788)

Host all of your ebook files, audiobooks, courses and resources inside your very own Reader's Portal. Plus, give your readers the option to download as a mobile app on their device so they’ll have easy access to your content on the go.

Make offers to your other products and services to your captive audience from inside the Reader's Portal.

Other well-known membership platforms charge $147/month just for this feature, but you get it free for life.


Our Powerhouse Ad Creator Tool

(WORTH $1,164)

Go from zero to ad launch in just three clicks without being an expert. Our exclusive ad creation tool removes the complexities of running ad campaigns, and allows you to create and manage ads for Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads, effortlessly. Combining our three-click ad launch feature, with our extensive ad template library, makes it easy for you to launch ads across different channels quickly and efficiently. Forget about the complexities of traditional ad creation.

Our done-for-you ad templates make it easy to create effective, results-driven social media marketing. No need for an ad agency or marketing expert - our program does the heavy lifting for you. This unique tool not only saves you valuable time and frustration, but also amplifies your ROI by re-utilizing proven, high-performing campaigns.


Content AI & Image AI

(WORTH $299)

Content AI is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help generate content faster, easier, and better. It can be used to create content with specific tones and keywords and generate multiple variations. Content AI is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help businesses generate content more quickly, easily, and effectively.

Image AI allows users to generate AI images for their websites, funnels, and social media posts, providing a versatile and exciting tool for non-techy individuals or businesses to create professional-looking websites and social media content.

  • 10X-faster: Content AI can help you generate content and more efficiently, allowing you to focus on other essential tasks.

  • Increased productivity: With Content AI, you can generate a larger content volume in less time, enabling you to produce more content and reach a wider audience.

  • Improved quality: Content AI can help you create better-quality content tailored to your needs and goals, resulting in more engaging and effective content.

  • Consistency: Content AI can help you maintain a consistent tone and style across all your content, ensuring a more cohesive and professional brand image.

  • Image Creation - Content AI

  • Availability: Content AI is available across all sections of FitnessPublishing.app, including, but not limited to:

  • Funnels and websites

  • Email builder and automations

  • Social media creator & planner

  • Blogs

  • Chatbot, text messages, and more.

Content AI and Image AI provides you with unparalleled power to supercharge every aspect of your business inside FitnessPublishing.app.

Overall, Content AI is a valuable copywriting and marketing tool for any business looking to improve their content creation process and generate high-quality, engaging content more efficiently. And Image AI allows you to unlock your creativity and produce captivating high-resolution images that will amaze your audience.


1-on-1 Membership Onboarding Session Via Zoom

(WORTH $295)

As part of this offer, you will get a complimentary membership creation session with an expert member of our team where we’ll actually sit down with you 1-on-1, find out about your book, your goals and build a plan together to promote your book, create your own powerful reader membership, and build a community around your book. The plan is to get you up and running, and making money, as quickly as possible.


Exclusive "All Things Book" Mastermind

(WORTH $2,988)

The most impactful thing you can do to ensure unlocking your book's potential is to be around other people doing the same thing you want to achieve. Our exclusive online mastermind is designed to fast-track your success.

  • Networking - provides an opportunity to network with like-minded people. These connections can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and business opportunities (like cross-promoting each other's books 😉).

  • Peer support - provides a safe space for communication and peer support. Members often share their knowledge, skills, experiences, and resources to help each other overcome challenges and achieve success.

  • Learning - provides a chance to learn from other businesses and leaders. Members regularly pick up new skills and talents by interacting with each other.

  • Accountability - provides accountability, and a trusted circle of colleagues to help make decisions.

  • Brainstorming - offers a combination of brainstorming, education, peer accountability, and support. Members can challenge each other to set strong goals, and more importantly, to accomplish them.

  • Feedback - offers instant, high-value feedback. Members share challenges and successes, get new ideas and insights, and get help making timely decisions.

Our mastermind provides an unparalleled journey into the world of publishing, promoting, and marketing your book! With weekly live coaching calls tailored to guide you through the intricacies of the book industry, our weekly calls offer comprehensive strategies for authors at any level.

From easy, beginner-friendly tactics to intermediate and advanced methodologies, we cover everything you need to turn your book into the client-attracting, money-making machine it's designed to be. This is your opportunity to elevate your book's potential and connect with a community of like-minded fitness entrepreneurs dedicated to success.


Nearly 70% Off Your Fitness Publishing Account For Life

(WORTH $2,400)

As part of this special offer, you get all the features of the Pro Unlimited $297/month account for just $97/month saving you an additional $2,400 a year. This discount is valid for the lifetime of your account.

You'll have all the functionality of ClickFunnels, ActiveCampaign, Kajabi, Vimeo, Calendly, LinkTree, Wix & Passionapp combined, at a fraction of the cost - for life!

So, yes! You can get rid of all those subscriptions and run your entire business from inside your dashboard.


When You Say “Maybe” Today,


  • Your Own Pre-Built Book Funnels (Worth $7,475)

  • Pre-Built Funnel Automations + Email Templates (Worth $2,000)

  • Your Own Pre-Built Members Portal + Downloadable App (Worth $1,788/Year)

  • Fitness Ghostwriter - Your Ultimate Fitness Content Generator (Worth $2,995)

  • Client Call Scheduler (Worth $239)

  • Book Marketing Resource Library (Worth $995)

  • Facebook & Google Ad Generator Tool (Worth $1,164/Year)

  • Content AI and Image AI (Worth $299)

  • 1-on-1 Membership Onboarding Session Via Zoom (Worth $500)

  • The "All Things Book" Mastermind (Worth $2,988/Year)

  • Nearly 70% Off Fitness Publishing For Life (Worth $2,400/Year)

Total Value: $22,543

Start Today FREE!

You Will Not See This Offer Anywhere Else.


Here's A List Of Our Most


Q: How does the free trial work?

A: Let us work with you step-by-step to help build and launch your first reader membership without paying a dime. No gimmicks. No funny business. At the end of your 14-day free trial, once you agree Fitness Publishing is the key to building a thriving online membership business for your book, then you don’t have to do a thing, and we’ll automatically enrol you into our monthly discounted subscription of just $97/mo. Your discount is then locked in for the lifetime of your subscription. Cancel anytime without any hassle.

Q: When will I receive my free gifts?

A: When you sign up today for the Fitness Publishing free trial subscription, you will receive instant access to all the bonus materials inside our members portal. You will be prompted to schedule your FREE 1-1 Membership Creation Session via an online calendar during the checkout process.

Q: Who is this for?

A: This is for expert authors and entrepreneurs (you) who understand that there are far more effective ways to monetize your book than just selling more copies on Amazon. This is for authors that would like step-by-step guidance on building their first reader membership community so they don’t get stuck, lost, or overwhelmed.

Q: What if I'm not satisfied with my subscription?

A: This is highly unlikely. However, with that said, if you don't find your Fitness Publishing subscription useful, including the $XX,XXX worth of extras given to you for free today... then you can cancel anytime and we'll part as friends. ;)

Q: How much does it actually cost?

A: You get $22,543 worth of FREE Gifts today without being charged a single nickel. We will ask you to enter your credit card details on the next page to confirm your identity and authorize your subscription, but no money will be taken or held until your free trial expires after 14 days. You will then be charged $97/month.

Q: Do you have a guarantee?

A: We guarantee you can test drive us for a full 14 days risk-free, and if you don't like us, then you can simply email us and we'll cancel your subscription before you are charged. There are no long-term contracts and you can cancel anytime without any hassle.

Our goal is to help you transform your book into a recurring revenue stream. Once you sign up, you'll have complete support from our team of book marketing & funnel membership experts who are there to help answer any questions you may have.

Copyright Fitness Publishing 2024 -- All Rights Reserved